The familiarity of magazines with added internet power
Readers of interactive publications enjoy the familiarity of the page-turning mechanism and relish the immediacy of interacting with its content. Here is just a handful of examples of digital magazines I have built...
Possibly the most successful interactive magazine launch of all time - Sky magazine. When the TV company decided to halt production of their print publication they approached publishers Future Plus who in turn approached FMG to develop the online offering for them on Ceros. On launch it initially received a luke warm reception from TV subscribers who felt they were missing out on their paper listings guide - but rapidly the open rates from the email basts grew and grew and the innovative and fresh designs won over the sceptics who embraced the digital publication. Awarded Digital Magazine of the Year in 2010, my team was responsible for design constltancy and monthly build.
Attraction Tickets Direct - a UK based company that sells tickets to all the parks and attractions in Florida wanted an engaging way to promote their service. Kernal Communications were comissioned to design and build a fully cross-platform interactive publication showing off some of the highlights that the US state has to offer. First launched to existing clients it quickly spread virally via facebook, Google+ and Twitter. Sales linked directly from the brochure have rocketted.
To see the brochure click here
Leading European online football store Kitbag celebrated FC Barcelona's Champions League success by launching an interactive catalogue of their vast range of Barca clothing and memorabilia. My team and I worked closely with the owners to bring this unique publication to fruition. Launched via the website and on a comprehensive email campaign the brochure generated enormous sales and more than covered the consultancy, build and hosting costs that we invoiced - in its first week.
Blue chip strategic outsourcing and energy services company Mitie Group PLC desperately needed to show a cut in their carbon footprint and measure the success of their internal communications. FMG won a commission to design and build editions of their Buzz magazine - which up until 2010 was printed and distributed by post to their 61,000 employees. The award-winning digital interactive version developed by me and my team was sent out via email to everyone at their 200+ UK offices and was an instant success with great positive feedback - an importanly showed the FT250 company's green intentions.
To read an edition, click here
Publishers Boom Media approached FMG to design and build a magazine to sell golf holidays around the world. The success of Going For Golf Interactive, a bi-monthly UK edition has allowed the company to launch separate edition in the USA - and loyal databases of readers are growing month by month. A compelling blend of holiday special offers, competitions and bespoke games gives this title a 'dwell-time' which is admired and respected in the interactive magazines world.
To see the latest issue click here